Novell NetWare Configuration
User Manual
Configure print server (printer) menu
With this menu, you can conÞgure printer-speciÞc parameters.
Advanced ConÞguration: conÞgure print server (printer) menu
Submenu Description Choices
Print server name Name for print server portion
of printerÕs NetWare interface
Any valid NetWare print server
Ethernet frame
Ethernet frame type for packet
DIX Ethernet II
IEEE Ethernet 802.3
IEEE Ethernet 802.2
IEEE Ethernet SNAP
Queue scan
interval (sec)
Interval (in seconds) to scan
1 Ð 3600 seconds
Error notiÞcation** Enable/disable notify list Enable
File server to search for
conÞguration Þle
Any valid NetWare Þle server
Login password Password used when logging
in to a Þle server
Any valid unencrypted password
(limited to 47 characters)
ConÞgure queues Allows conÞguration of queues
for selected printer to service.
Can select, add, or delete
queues from the list
Reset print server Resets print server portion of
printerÕs NetWare interface
*If the frame type is set to Adaptive, the printer uses the frame type of the Þrst Þle
server that responds to a broadcast from the printer. The printer broadcasts packets in
the following order: IEEE Ethernet 802.3, IEEE Ethernet 802.2, DIX Ethernet II, IEEE
Ethernet SNAP. The new frame type is not used until the print server or printer is reset.
**If you enable error notiÞcation, you must create a notify list using the Notify list
command in the ConÞgure print server (File Server) menu.