TCP/IP Configuration
User Manual
Installing Þles from your printerÕs network utilities diskettes
Use the UNIX version of your printerÕs network utilities diskettes for
TCP/IP installations. The Þles are on the diskette in UNIX tar format.
To list the contents of the diskette, type this command:
tar tvf /dev/devicename
For example, on a Sun workstation, type:
tar tvf /dev/fd0
To extract the Þles from the diskette:
Change (cd) to the directory on your workstation where you want
the Þles to reside.
Type this command:
tar xvf /dev/devicename [ dir ]
[ Þle ]
where specifying dir extracts an entire directory, specifying Þle
extracts a single Þle, and no arguments extracts the contents of the
entire diskette, while retaining the directory structure of the
Eject the diskette. For example, on a Sun workstation, type:
eject ßoppy