70 PI-SCX System Manual Version 2.E
deterioration in new cameras may be faster than in old ones. For example, a camera that
has to be repumped after perhaps a year of operation, may not have to be pumped again
for several years. In any case you may notice a gradual deterioration in temperature
control performance indicative of vacuum deterioration. If this happens, the camera will
have to be repumped. Appendix C provides directions for repumping the vacuum. If you
have the appropriate equipment and personnel with the necessary expertise available, you
may wish to pump down the camera at your facility by following the procedure outlined
in Appendix C. If the necessary equipment and expertise isn’t available, simply contact
the factory to make arrangements for returning the camera to the support facility nearest
to you to have the vacuum restored.
Data Loss or Serial Violation
You may experience either or both of these conditions if the host computer has been set
up with Power Saving features enabled. This is particularly true for power saving with
regard to the hard drive. Make sure that Power Saving features are disabled while you are
running WinView/32.
Data Overrun Due to Hardware Conflict message
Figure 34. Data Overrun Due to Hardware Conflict dialog
If this dialog appears when you try to acquire a test image, acquire data, or run in focus
mode, check the CCD array size and then check the DMA buffer size. A large array (for
example, a 2048x2048 array), requires a larger DMA buffer larger setting than that for a
smaller array (for example, a 512x512 array).
To change the DMA buffer setting:
1. Note the array size (on the Setup|Hardware|Controller/CCD tab or the
Acquisition|Experiment Setup|Main tab Full Chip dimensions).
2. Open Setup|Environment|Environment dialog.
3. Increase the DMA buffer size to a minimum of 32 Mb (64 Mb if it is currently
32 Mb or 128 Mb if it is currently 64 Mb), click on OK, and close the WinX
4. Reboot your computer.
5. Restart the WinX application and begin acquiring data or focusing. If you see
the message again, increase the DMA buffer size.