44 PI-SCX System Manual Version 2.E
Controller/Camera tab (Setup|Hardware): Controller and Camera parameters
should be set automatically to the proper values for your system. However, you
can click on the Load Defaults From Controller button on this tab to load the
default settings.
Use PVCAM: If you are using the USB 2.0 interface, verify that the box
is checked.
Note: This check box is not present on software versions and
Controller type: ST-133
Controller version: 4 or higher
Camera type: The array for your camera will be
PI-SCX:1300 = EEV 1300x1340F
PI-SCX:4096 = FCD 4096x4096F
PI-SCX:4300 = KAF 2084x2084 SCX
Shutter type: None.
Readout mode: Full frame.
Interface tab (Setup|Hardware): Verify that the High Speed PCI is selected.
Note: This tab is not available if you are using the USB 2.0 interface.
Cleans and Skips tab (Setup|Hardware): Default
Camera Temperature (Setup|Detector Temperature…):
-30C for air-cooled PI-SCX:1300
-35°C for PI-SCX:1300 with +25° water
-50°C for PI-SCX:4300 and PI-SCX:4096 (≤ 1.5:1 fiber ratio) with +5°
-45°C for PI-SCX:4096 (>1.5:1 fiber ratio) with +0° water
The temperature should drop steadily, reaching the set temperature in about
60 minutes (typical). At that point the green Temp Lock LED on the rear of
the ST-133 will light and there will be a locked indication at the computer
monitor, indicating that temperature lock has been established. Some
overshoot may occur that may cause temperature lock to be briefly lost and
then quickly re-established. If you are reading the actual temperature
reported by the application software, there may be a small difference
between the set and reported temperature when lock is established. This is
normal and does not indicate a system malfunction. Once lock is established,
the temperature will be stable to within ±0.05°C.
Note: If you are using the USB 2.0 interface, the Detector Temperature
dialog will not display temperature information while you are acquiring data.
Experiment Setup Main tab (Acquisition|Experiment Setup…):
Exposure Time: 100 ms
Accumulations & Number of Images: 1
CCD Readout: Use Full Chip