14 PI-SCX System Manual Version 2.E
To prevent permanently damaging the system, please observe the following precautions:
Always switch off and unplug the ST-133 Controller before changing your system
configuration in any way.
The CCD array is very sensitive to static electricity. Touching the CCD can destroy
it. Operations requiring contact with the device can only be performed at the factory.
Never operate the camera cooled without proper evacuation or backfill. This could
damage the CCD!
Never connect or disconnect any cable while the PI-SCX system is powered on.
Reconnecting a charged cable may damage the CCD.
Never prevent the free flow of air through the equipment by blocking the air vents.
Never operate a water-assisted or water-cooled-only PI-SCX:1300 camera with
coolant at a temperature below that specified for it.
Turn off all power to the equipment and secure all covers before cleaning the units.
Otherwise, damage to the equipment or personal injury could occur.
Camera and Controller
Although there is no periodic maintenance that must be performed on the camera or the
ST-133 Controller, you may clean these components from time to time by wiping them
down with a clean damp cloth. This operation should only be done on the external
surfaces and with all covers secured. In dampening the cloth, use clean water only. No
soap, solvents or abrasives should be used. Not only are they not required, but they could
damage the finish of the surfaces on which they are used.
Beryllium Window
Cleaning may be necessary to remove oil or other contaminants from the surface of the
window. Because a fingerprint left on the surface will disrupt the effectiveness of the
final etch or coating and because of the potential toxicity, protective gloves should be
worn when cleaning the window. To clean the window, wipe it down with isopropanol
and a lintless cloth. DO NOT use water. Beryllium is highly susceptible to localized
pitting when in contact with the chloride and sulfate ions contained in ordinary water.
Princeton Instruments Customer Service
Refer to the contact information located on page 108 of this manual.