12 PI-SCX System Manual Version 2.E
About this Manual
Manual Organization
This manual provides the user with all the information needed to install a PI-SCX camera
and place it in operation. Topics covered include a detailed description of the camera,
installation, cleaning, specifications and more.
1. The general identifier "ST-133" is used for both the ST-133A Controller and the
ST-133B Controller. Where there is a difference, the specific identifier is used.
2. "WinX" is a generic term for WinView, WinSpec, and WinXTest application
Chapter 1, Introduction briefly describes the PI-SCX family of cameras; details
the structure of this manual; and documents environmental, storage, and cleaning
Chapter 2, Component Descriptions provides descriptions of each system
Chapter 3, Installation Overview cross-references system setup actions with the
relevant manuals and/or manual pages. It also contains system layout diagrams.
Chapter 4, System Setup provides detailed directions for interconnecting the
system components.
Chapter 5, Operation includes a simple procedure for verifying system operation
and discusses operational considerations associated with exposure, readout, and
Chapter 6, Advanced Topics discusses standard timing modes (Free Run,
External Sync, and Continuous Cleans), Fast and Safe, and TTL control.
Chapter 7, Troubleshooting provides courses of action to take if you should
have problems with your system.
Appendix A, Specifications includes PI-SCX camera and ST-133 specifications.
Appendix B, Outline Drawings includes outline drawings of the PI-SCX cameras
and the ST-133A and ST-133B Controllers.
Appendix C, Repumping the Vacuum explains how to restore the camera's
vacuum if that vacuum has deteriorated over time.
Appendix D, USB 2.0 Limitations covers the currently known limitations
associated with operating under the USB 2.0 interface.
Declaration of Conformity contains the Declaration of Conformity for PI-SCX
Warranty & Service provides warranty and customer support contact information.