
C1534M (1/06) 73
When you purchase a feature upgrade, Pelco will send you a software License ID number. Complete the following steps to upgrade the software:
1. Select Help > About VMX200 from the menu bar. The About VMX200 dialog box appears.
2. Click Registration. The My Licenses dialog box appears.
3. Click Add. The Add License dialog box appears.
4. Follow the instructions provided in the Software Registration section.
Hardware such as cameras, switchers, and VCRs require special files—device drivers—that tell the VMX210 how to communicate with them. A
current set of device drivers and corresponding command databases are installed with the VMX200 software.
If you need to install additional device drivers or update existing drivers complete the steps in the following sections.
Install a New Device Driver
1. Follow the steps for adding the new device as described in the System Configuration section of this manual.
2. When you reach the Make and Model dialog box, click the Have Disk button.
3. In the file manager window, select the .cci file from the disk containing the new driver, and then click Open. The .cci file is the device
driver’s setup file, which will manage the installation.
4. Select the device and click Next. The device then will be available in the manufacturer/model window.
5. Complete the remaining device configuration wizard screens.
This device driver now will be available when adding another device of that type.
Update a Device Driver
1. Open the Device Configuration window.
2. Double-click the device icon on the diagram for which you wish to update. The device details dialog box appears.
3. Click the Make/Model tab or the Control tab (the tab name depends on the device type), and then click Have Disk.
4. In the file manager window, select the .cci file from the disk containing the new driver, and then click Open.
5. Select the desired device from the list.
NOTE: A warning appears if the driver being installed is older than the one currently installed in the system. If you are unsure whether to
continue with the installation, contact Pelco’s 24-hour technical support for assistance.
6. Click OK to close the device details dialog box and to accept changes. The new driver now will be available any time you wish to add
another device of that type. This process also updates all other existing instances of the device.
VMX200 Software Unexpectedly Quits
If the software unexpectedly quits, make a note of the following information:
Actions and events immediately prior to the shut-down
The screen from which the error occurred
Any error messages that were displayed
Then restart VMX210. Should the system fail to restart, refer to the Emergency Backup and Restore Procedures section for system recovery
If the system quits again under the same conditions as the first failure, contact Pelco immediately and report the conditions that preceded the
event in both instances.