C1534M (1/06) 13
Daisy-Chaining Serial Communications
VMX210 supports daisy-chain serial configuration of addressable devices by permitting two connections to each of the communication ports on
cameras, switchers, multiplexers, recorders, and other serial equipment. Device addressing must be carefully observed when designing chained
Figure 6. Looping and Daisy-Chain Connections
Select Elements on the Diagram
Do one of the following:
• Click the desired icon.
• Click and drag a box around multiple icons.
• Select multiple icons by holding the Ctrl key while clicking each desired icon.
Move Icons
1. Click the icon.
2. Drag the icon to a new location on the diagram.
The wire line remains connected to the icon but may be poorly positioned after moving a device icon. To adjust the wire line:
a. Click the wire line. The selected wire is highlighted blue.
b. Click any of the line’s anchor points, and then drag to a new location.
3. Optional: Use the keyboard arrow keys (left, right, up, down) to move the icon one grid space.
Copy Icons
1. Click the icon.
2. Select Edit > Copy from the Menu Bar.
3. Select Edit > Paste to place a duplicate icon.
The device properties are copied from the original device. The new device is named “Copy of <original device’s name>.”
Alternate Step 3
Select Edit > Paste Many to place more than one duplicate icon. Specify the number of duplicate icons.
4. Drag the new icon(s) to an appropriate location.
5. Draw wire connections to other system equipment as described in the Draw the Wire Connections section.
6. If necessary, change the name and device properties, as described in the Edit the Device Configuration Diagram section.