40 C1534M (1/06)
3. In the list of specific input or output points, double-click one of the points listed. The Point Properties dialog box appears. The specific fields
contained in the dialog box depend on whether you are editing points for an alarm interface unit (CM9760-ALM) or a relay interface unit
Figure 45. CM9760-ALM (left) and CM9760-REL (right) Point Properties Dialog Boxes
4. Enter a Point Name (up to 64 characters) and then edit the information in the dialog box as necessary:
Alarm Interface Unit
Alarm Actions: Specify what actions are required when the input point changes from its normal state.
To note the event in the alarm log, select Log This Message, and then enter an appropriate alarm log
To trigger a macro, select Run This Macro, and then select the desired macro from the drop-down box. To
capture an image with the alarm, you must first configure a sequence to include the necessary image
captures, and then configure a macro to run the sequence.
Refer to Configure Sequences and Configure Macros for more information.
Automatically Rearm: If you select this option, you also must specify a time delay value.
Relay Interface Unit
Start-up Setting: For relay output points, click Enabled, and then select the start-up setting.
Point setting Description
Last known value Start up with the output point in the same logic state (True or False) that was in effect when the system
was shut down.
True At startup, reset the output point to a “true” logic state.
False At startup, set the output point to a “false” logic state.
Note that the logic determines if “True” means “On” or “Off.” Example: for an output that turns a motor “off” when the output is “true,” set the
point to True, and label the point “Turn Motor Off”.
• Alarm and relay contact settings (such as normally open/normally closed) are configured through the DIP switches on the alarm or relay
interface unit. These settings are duplicated in the configuration when you add the device (refer to the Reference Information for Adding
Devices section in the Appendix).
• The definition of “True” in depends on the DIP switch setting. For example, if you configure Alarm Group 1-16 in an alarm interface unit as
normally open, then “True” equals open for alarm point 1 through point 16.
5. Click OK to close the Point Properties dialog box, and then click OK to close the Input/Output Points dialog box.