
56 C1534M (1/06)
Filter Images
1. Click the Filter icon on the Capture Viewer tool bar. The Filter dialog box appears.
Alternate Step 1
Select View > Filter from the Capture Viewer menu bar.
Figure 68. Filter Dialog Box
2. Select the filter settings from the following options:
This option displays the images captured during the specified previous time period; specify the number of minutes, hours, or days.
This option displays the images captured during the specified time interval. Select dates from the calendars that appear when you click the
down arrows. If necessary, you can filter the search further by specifying the time of day during the search days (such as between 8:00 AM
and 4:00 PM on each day from August 24 to 28).
Figure 69. Filter By Date and Time
Sort Images
1. Select View > Sort By from the Capture Viewer menu bar, and then select the sort option. You can sort either by date/time or by camera
2. If necessary, select View > Sort Order to specify ascending or descending order.