50 | C1508M (02/01)
TESTPORT Directory
The TESTPORT directory contains files that can be used to test
whether or not the RJ-45 communication ports on the rear of the CC1
are good. If you issue a dir command while in the TESTPORT direc-
tory, you should see something like to the following:
The MGR and Your System Configuration Files (Flat Files)–
Exercise II
For the second part of this familiarization exercise, you need an external PC (equipped with
a mouse) and a VGA monitor. By “external” we mean external to the CC1, since it is also a
PC. You shouldn’t use the CC1 for this exercise. You can, however, use the PC that you plan
to use later for connecting to the CC1. However, any PC with Windows
95 installed on it
will do, even a laptop.
In the first two parts of this suggested exercise, you will to do the following:
1. Load the MGR program onto the hard disk of the external PC.
2. Once the program is loaded, use the MGR program’s READ utility to read in your con-
figuration files from a floppy disk.
The reason for performing this exercise at all is to encourage those of you who are new to
MGR operation the opportunity to explore the MGR program, and, at the same time, famil-
iarize yourselves with the configuration files that define your system or, more precisely, that
define a particular node in your system (each node in a multi-node system has its own set
of configuration files). If you have only one CC1 in your system, then the phrase that we
used “configuration files that define your system” would be appropriate. This setup and ex-
ercise occurs in an isolated environment (you are not connected to the CC1) and you’re
working with a just a copy of your configuration files. The originals still exist on floppy disk
and on the CC1 hard drive. You can learn a lot about your system setup and about 9740 op-
eration without worrying about messing anything up.
Loading the MGR
To load the MGR program, follow the quick-start installation guide for the 9760MGR (just
substitute 9740 wherever you see 9760 and remember that Windows 95 must be installed
on the PC you use). For your convenience, a copy is located in Appendix I of this manual.
If you follow the installation guide you should have no problems installing the MGR program.
We are also assuming here that this is a clean install of the MGR program and that no pre-
viously installed version exists on the PC. That being the case, you can ignore the warning
step found about midpoint in the quick-start installation instructions.
Figure 33
TESTPORT Directory
If you already have an
external PC with an ex-
isting MGR program installed,
we advise that you not use it to
perform the second part of this
exercise; rather, skip it alto-
gether and proceed with the rest
of the manual. Follow the in-
structions for the installation
phase of single- and multi-node
systems with respect to CC1s.