Priority Programming method
Highest Web programming and phone programming
Provisioning via the standard configuration file (unique to each device)
Provisioning via the product configuration file (common to each model type)
Provisioning with the master configuration file (common to all devices)
Factory default setting for the device
2.4.5 Timing of Configuration File Downloads
Each device can download configuration files at the following times.
– When the device starts up
– At regular intervals
– At a specific time of day
– When directed to download by the SIP server
Regular intervals
Specified by using CFG_CYCLIC_INTVL="{number of minutes}".
For example, CFG_CYCLIC_INTVL="4320" configures the device to download configuration files every three
days (4320 minutes) beginning when the device starts up.
Specific time of day
Specified by using CFG_RESYNC_TIME="{time}". For example, CFG_RESYNC_TIME="23:00" configures the
device to download configuration files each day at 11:00 PM.
When directed by the SIP server
If a setting needs to be applied immediately, the SIP server can send a NOTIFY message to the devices
directing them to download their configuration files. This feature is enabled by specifying
CFG_RESYNC_FROM_SIP in the configuration file.
Example of the NOTIFY message sent from the SIP server:
NOTIFY sip:1234567890@sip.example.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060;branch=abcdef-ghijkl
From: sip:prov@sip.example.com
To: sip:1234567890@sip.example.com
Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2014 01:01:01 GMT
Call-ID: 123456-12345678912345678
Contact: sip:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5060
Event: check-sync
Content-Length: 0
For more information about the related parameters
• CFG_CYCLIC (Page 235)
• CFG_RESYNC_TIME (Page 235)
46 Administrator Guide Document Version 2014-05
2.4.5 Timing of Configuration File Downloads