2.1 What is Provisioning?
Provisioning is a mechanism that allows the phone to configure itself by retrieving the required settings from
a central provisioning server. This enables mass deployment to be done easily and quickly.
There are two steps required to perform provisioning of the device.
Step 1: Obtaining Provisioning URL setting
This step involves obtaining the URL of the provisioning server either manually or automatically, and
downloading the initial configuration file.
Step 2: Provisioning device information
This step involves downloading the actual device configuration files needed for the operation of the device.
2.2 Provisioning URL Settings
The provisioning URL can be obtained using the following methods.
– Automatic discovery via SIP PnP, DHCP option 160/159/66, or via a redirection server
– Manual configuration via web user interface or phone user interface
Priority of the different methods
The device can use IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, or operate in dual-stack mode. By default, IPv4
addresses are preferred over IPv6 addresses. During provisioning, the device checks the status of its interface
and determines whether it is configured with an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or both.
The order of priority is as follows.
Device has IPv4 address only Device has IPv6 address only
Device has IPv4 and IPv6
1. Manual configuration
2. SIP PnP
3. DHCP option 160
4. DHCP option 159
5. DHCP option 66
6. Redirection server
1. Manual configuration
2. DHCPv6 sub-option 1
1. Manual configuration
2. SIP PnP
3. DHCP option 160
4. DHCP option 159
5. DHCP option 66
6. DHCPv6 sub-option 1
7. Redirection server
Information included when specifying the provision URL
– Provisioning protocol
Supported protocols: TFTP, FTP, HTTP and HTTPS
– Provisioning server address
Supported format: IP, FQDN
– Full path to the subdirectory of the initial configuration file
The initial configuration file contains the device configuration URL and the certification URL.
Valid URL formats
– <protocol>://<username>:<password>@<IP address> or <domain>:<port>
– IP address
36 Administrator Guide Document Version 2014-05
2.2 Provisioning URL Settings