Configuration Screen
Clicking a menu displays the corresponding configuration screen, which contains the actual settings,
grouped into sections. For details, see 4.2 Status to Restart.
Entering Characters
In the Web user interface, when specifying a name, message, password, or other text item, you can enter any
of the ASCII characters displayed in the following table.
However, there are additional limitations for certain types of fields as follows:
• IPv4 Address field
– You can enter the IP address using dotted-decimal notation (i.e., "n.n.n.n" where n=0–255).
– You cannot enter invalid IP addresses, for example, "", "", or "".
• IPv6 Address field
– You can enter the IPv6 address using eight groups of four hexadecimal digits separated by colons (i.e.,
– Some examples of invalid addresses include "::", "0::0", "0::1", and "FF01::101".
• Authentication ID/Password field
– The field cannot contain ", &, ', :, <, >, or space.
– The length of user password and administrator password must be from 6 to 16 characters.
Result Messages
When you click [Save] after changing the settings on the current configuration screen, one of the following
messages will appear in the current configuration screen:
Result Message
Save Complete! The operation has successfully completed.
Failed (Parameter Error) The operation failed because some specified values are out of range
or invalid.
Document Version 2014-05 Administrator Guide 31
1.1.5 Web User Interface Programming