Value Range Max. 32 characters
Default Value Not stored.
Configuration File Reference PHONE_NUMBER (Page 300)
Description Specifies the unique ID used by the SIP registrar server, which consists
of "sip:", a user part, the "@" symbol, and a host part, for example,
• When registering using a user ID that is not a phone number,
you should use this setting.
• In a SIP URI, the user part ("user" in the example above) can
contain up to 63 characters, and the host part ("example.com"
in the example above) can contain up to 127 characters.
Value Range Max. 195 characters (except ", &, ', :, ;, <, >, and space)
Default Value Not stored.
Configuration File Reference SIP_URI (Page 300) SIP Server
Registrar Server Address
Description Specifies the IP address or FQDN of the SIP registrar server.
Value Range Max. 127 characters
Default Value Not stored.
Configuration File Reference SIP_RGSTR_ADDR (Page 303)
Registrar Server Port
Description Specifies the port number to use for communication with the SIP
registrar server.
Value Range 1–65535
Default Value 5060
Configuration File Reference SIP_RGSTR_PORT (Page 303)
Proxy Server Address
Description Specifies the IP address or FQDN of the SIP proxy server.
110 Administrator Guide Document Version 2014-05
4.5.1 SIP Settings [Line 1]–[Line n]