Part IV: Operation
Remote Control Functions: Display Formats
This is a wide screen TV (also known as
a 16:9 TV). This shape re ect s t he new
types of images available from HDTV and
many DVDs. There are still many older style
narrow screen images (called 4:3 aspect
ratio) you will encounter. While there will
never be a perfect solution for displaying a
narrow image on a wide screen, Mitsubishi
offers several display formats to choose
Press FORMAT on the TV remote control to
cycle through the available display formats.
Standard: This is the full screen format.
HDTV signals will automatically use this
format. This format is also useful to dis-
play Anamorphic DVDs that have 1.78:1
or 1.85:1 aspect ratios. Anamorphic
DVDs that have the 2.35:1 aspect ratio
will still display black bars at the top and
bottom. Narrow (4:3) images will be
stretched evenly from side to side.
Expand: This will enlarge the picture,
cropping off some of the image at the
top and bottom. This is useful to reduce
the letterbox top and bottom bars of non-
anamorphic DVDs or to correct narrow
(4:3) images that have been stretched in
the Standard format.
Zoom: This will enlarge the picture, crop-
ping off some of the image at each
side, and top and bottom. This is useful
to remove or reduce the black top and
bottom bars on anamorphic DVDs with
a 2.35:1 aspect ratio.
Stretched: This format will stretch a
narrow (4:3) image across the screen,
however, there is less stretch in the
center than the sides. This will allow
the entire narrow image to be displayed
across the screen with less distortion
than seen in the Standard format.
Narrow: This format will display narrow
(4:3) images in their original shape, and
add stationary gray side bars to ll the
Not all formats are available for all sig-
nals. See Table on Page 64 for combina-
tions available.
Caution should be observed when
using the Narrow format due to the sta-
tionary gray side bars. Please see page
70 for guidelines concerning stationary
Display Formats
Not all formats are available for PIP/
POP. See the chart below.
PIP/POP Formats
Side by Side