Before you begin, print all the related instructions or ensure that you can view the PDF version on another
computer for reference.
Note: Use any documentation that comes with the heat sink and follow those instructions in addition to
the instructions in this topic.
To install or replace a heat sink, do the following:
1. Remove all media from the drives and turn off all attached devices and the server. Then, disconnect all
power cords from electrical outlets and disconnect all cables that are connected to the server.
2. If the server is installed in a rack cabinet, remove the server from the rack cabinet and place it on a at,
clean, and static-protective surface. See the Rack Installation Instructions that comes with the server.
3. Remove the server cover. See “Removing the server cover” on page 69.
4. Remove the cooling shroud. See “Removing and reinstalling the cooling shroud” on page 73.
5. Locate the heat sink or the place for installing the second heat sink. See “Server components” on
page 25.
Chapter 6. Installing, removing, or replacing hardware 105