
Instruction Set 9-57
Data Cache Read
Data Cache Read
EA (RA|0) + (RB)
if ((CCR0[CIS] = 0)
(CCR0[CWS] = 0)) then (RT) (d-cache data, way A)
if ((CCR0[CIS] = 0)
(CCR0[CWS] = 1)) then (RT) (d-cache data, way B)
if ((CCR0[CIS] = 1)
(CCR0[CWS] = 0)) then (RT) (d-cache tag, way A)
if ((CCR0[CIS] = 1)
(CCR0[CWS] = 1)) then (RT) (d-cache tag, way B)
An effective address (EA) is formed by adding an index to a base address. The index is the contents
of register RB. The base address is 0 if the RA field is 0 and is the contents of register RA otherwise.
This instruction is a debugging tool for reading the data cache entries for the congruence class
specified by EA
, unless no cache array is present. The cache information is read into register RT.
If CCR0[CIS] = 0, the information is a word of data cache array data from the addressed congruence
class. The word is specified by EA
. If EA
are not 00, an alignment exception occurs. If
CCR0[CWS] = 0, the data is from the A-way; otherwise; the data is from the B-way.
If CCR0[CIS] = 1, the information is a cache tag from the addressed congruence class. If
CCR0[CWS] = 0, the tag is from the A-way; otherwise the tag is from the B-way.
Data cache tag information is placed into register RT as shown:
If instruction bit 31 contains 1, the contents of CR[CR0] are undefined.
Registers Altered
Invalid Instruction Forms
Reserved fields
dcread RT, RA, RB
31 RT RA RB 486
0 6 11 16 21 31
0:19 TAG Cache Tag
26 D Cache Line Dirty
0 Not dirty
1 Dirty
27 V Cache Line Valid
0 Not valid
1 Valid
31 LRU Least Recently Used (LRU)
0 A-way LRU
1 B-way LRU