
Debugging 8-9
8.5.3 Instruction Address Compare Registers (IAC1–IAC4)
The PPC405 can take a debug event upon an attempt to execute an instruction from an address. The
address, which must be word-aligned, is defined in an IAC register. The DBCR0[IA1, IA2] fields of
DBCR0 controls the instruction address compare (IAC) debug event.
8.5.4 Data Address Compare Registers (DAC1–DAC2)
The PPC405 can take a debug event upon storage or cache references to addresses specified in the
DAC registers. The specified addresses in the DAC registers are EAs of operands of storage
references or cache instructions.The fields DBCR1[D1R], [D2R] and DBCR[D1W], [D2W] control the
DAC-read and DAC-write debug events, respectively.
Addresses in the DAC registers specify exact byte EAs for DAC debug events. However, one may
want to take a debug event on any byte within a halfword (ignore the least significant bit (LSb) of the
DAC), on any byte within a word (ignore the two LSbs of DAC), or on any byte within eight words
(ignore four LSbs of DAC). DBCR1[D1S, D2S] control the addressing options.
Errors related to execution of storage reference or cache instructions prevent DAC debug events.
12 IA3 IAC3 Debug Event
0 Event did not occur
1 Event occurred
13 IA4 IAC4 Debug Event
0 Event did not occur
1 Event occurred
22:23 MRR Most Recent Reset
00 No reset has occurred since last
cleared by software.
01 Core reset
10 Chip reset
11 System reset
This field is set to a value, indicating the
type of reset, when a reset occurs.
Figure 8-4. Instruction Address Compare Registers (IAC1–IAC4)
0:29 Instruction Address Compare word
Omit two low-order bits of complete
0 29 30 31