
1.0 General
1.1 Alpha Cell HEPA filters shall be extended media
(separator type) (Pureform separatorless type) fil-
ters as manufactured by Flanders.
1.2 Filter sizes, capacities and construction options
shall be as scheduled on the drawings.
1.3 Filters shall be (UL 900 Class 1)( UL 900 Class
2) listed.
2.0 Filter Construction
2.1 The filter pack shall be constructed by pleating a
continuous sheet of non-woven water-resistant
fiberglass media around hemmed-edge corrugat-
ed aluminum separators. The filter pack shall be
constructed by pleating a continuous sheet of
formed, corrugated medium so that the pack is
self-supporting without the use of spacers of any
kind, including separators, tape strings, adhesives
or strips of media.
2.2 The filter pack shall be sealed into a (galvaneal)
409 stainless steel) (304 stainless steel) (particle
board) (fire-retardant particleboard) (fire-retardant
plywood) frame with a fire retardant(polyurethane
foam) ( solid urethane) sealant. (Steel frames
shall be 16 ga.)(Wood frames shall be 3/4” thick.)
2.3 (A 40-durometer closed-cell neoprene gasket)
(Silicone jel in a channel) shall be provided on one
or more sides to seal the filter in the mounting
3.0 Performance
3.1 Initial and final resistances shall not exceed the
scheduled values.
3.2 Alpha Cell HEPA Filters shall have a minimum effi-
ciency of 99.97% on 0.30 micrometer particles
when tested at rated capacity on a Q-107
Penetrometer Each filter shall be challenged with
an approved nearly monodispersed oil aerosol of
0.30 micrometer size.Measure the upstream and
down stream concentration of these particles with
a light scattering photometer, determine the pene-
tration and calculate the efficiency.
3.3 Alpha Cell Scan Tested HEPA Filters shall have a
minimum efficiency of 99.99% on 0.30 micrometer
particles. Scan Testing shall be in accordance with
Section 6.2 of IEST-RP-CC034.1. The scan test
shall consist of challenging the filter with a high
concentration of an approved oil aerosol or PSL
Spheres.Utilizing a photometer or particle counter,
the media pack and the pack- to- frame seal shall
be scanned to insure that there are no leaks
greater than .01% of the upstream concentration
at 100 fpmface velocity
Guide Specifications
the filter and hvac store