Flanders - Foremost in Air Filtration
Corporate Headquarters, St. Petersburg, FL
Clean Air is Only a Block Away
Flanders, through innovative technology, has
resolved the problems associated with loose filled
activated carbon trays by introducing HMZD bond-
ed carbon panels.
HMZD stands for High Mass and Zero Dust. High
Mass refers to the greater density of activated car-
bon installed in each panel, and Zero Dust means
the filters will not release carbon dust into the air
stream. The panels are fabricated from 100% vir-
gin coconut shell activated carbon with a minimum
60% CTC activity. The premium grade carbon is
bonded together during a sintering process to form
a rigid block and framed to provide clean air.
HMZD bonded panels are replaced right at the air
handling unit with the same quality 100% virgin car-
bon as the initial installation. Standard loose filled
tray systems are typically replaced with regenerat-
ed carbon minimizing adsorption performance.
Cleaning the Air
The uniform air velocity through the bed eliminates
high velocity zones and bed fluidization. Bed flu-
idization is a major cause of continuous dusting in
loose granular system designs. HMZD bonded pan-
els are non-dusting, therefore eliminating the need
for downstream after filters.
Superior Performance
HMZD panels provide superior adsorption perform-
ance because there is no settling within the carbon
bed. The carbon granules are bonded together to
provide a uniform density of sorbent media across
the panel eliminating air bypass and stratification
zones for high efficiency and extended service life.
The panel design creates uniform air flow distribu-
tion and uniform residence time ensuring maximum
removal efficiencies.