Typically, these are for Lennox type furnaces.
(Lennox is a brand name. It is used here for system
identification only.) Hammock rolls are 20 foot rolls
of media cut in various widths. In most cases, a sin-
gle cut across the roll will produce a ready-to-use
filter pad. Flanders hammock rolls are packaged in
a handy carton that can be used as a dispenser.
Media used in all Flanders hammock rolls are UL
Class 2 fire rated. The 1” spun glass is also avail-
able in pre-cut hammock pads, individually pack-
aged in plastic
Permaire Rolls and Pads
Models HHxxxx
Permaire is a unique type of air filtration media that
has evolved from a natural organic fiber media to a
new completely synthetic, self-supporting and com-
pletely washable media. It has all the benefits of
organic media but has a longer service life, better
structural integrity as well as being completely odor
free. It is made of synthetic fibers and coated with a
special resin, then baked together at a high tem-
perature. The result of this process is a tough and
springy, thoroughly bonded, nearly rigid air filtration
Describing Permaire as merely an air filtration
medium is telling only half of the story. Due to its
natural rigidity, a pad of Permaire cut to the proper
dimensions is actually a complete filter ready to
install. It is totally self supporting. With nothing
more than Permaire and a hefty pair of scissors or
a razor knife, you can replace almost any size 1/2”,
1” or 2” framed panel filter.
Permaire filters are passive electrostatic type prod-
ucts. Air running over the maze of fibers creates an
electrostatic charge to catch and hold airborne con-
taminants. Dust particles may become charged nat-
urally, and if so, they are held by strong electrostat-
ic forces to the oppositely charged fiber with which
they come into contact. The smaller a particle or
fiber, the relatively stronger the electrostatic
charges will be attained. Dirt loads throughout the
filter’s depth and therefore it will hold a lot more
dust than other filters before requiring changing or
Permaire is an ideal product for filter service pro-
fessionals. With a roll of Permaire on your truck,
you can replace almost any size panel filter. It’s a
perfect answer to “odd” size filters. A 10x32”special”
is as close as a pair of scissors...and the same low
cost as a 16x20 standard that you cut from the
same roll.
Flanders - Foremost in Air Filtration
Corporate Headquarters, St. Petersburg, FL
Kwik Kuts, Hammock, Permaire and
Service Rolls and Pads