Flanders - Foremost in Air Filtration
Corporate Headquarters, St. Petersburg, FL
1. Contaminant removal capacity is determined by passing a moist (85% r.h.) stream of air containing 1%
by volume challenge gas through a one-inch diameter tube with a 9-inch deep bed of closely packed pel-
lets at a rate of 1450 cc/minute and monitoring a 50 ppm breakthrough. The results are reported as
grams of challenge gas adsorbed per gram of media.
2. Particle Size is 4x8, U.S. Mesh, ASTM D-2862
Media Contaminant Removal Contaminant Bulk Density
Designator Capacity (Note 1) (lbs/ft3)
TS-101 10% H2S 50
TS-201 60-70% toluene 30
TS-202 18-23% H2S 35
TS-204 10% ammonia 34
TS-205 5-10% formaldehyde 36
TS-209 12-18% H2S 34
TECHSORB TS-204 has been used extensively in
applications ranging from Odor Control to Process
Protection. The primary applications are for odor
control associated with ammonia and low molecular
weight amines typical of animal confined space
areas, decaying fish, sugar beet processing,
ammonia cleaning solutions and blue printing.
Process protection applications within the semicon-
ductor industry include removal of fugitive amines
that are known to alter the photolithography
Techsorb TS-205 is a dry, granular, activated car-
bon chemical medium, designed to be used in air
filter service for the removal of gaseous vapors
such as formaldehyde, acrolein, acetaldehyde and
TECHSORB TS-205 has been used extensively in
Odor Control applications. The primary applications
are for odor and contamination control associated
with aldehydes and acrolein. Formaldehyde is a
suspected human carcinogen. It is often found as a
by-product of formaldehyde resins in particleboard
furniture, a decomposition product of poorly mixed
urea formaldehyde foam insulation and as a volatile
ingredient in permanent press clothing, drapery and
carpeting. Acrolein is a by-product of combustion
processes such a cooking. Acetaldehyde is a con-
stituent of vehicle emissions. Glutaraldehyde is
used as a sterilizing agent for medical instruments
that are not readily autoclaved.
Techsorb TS-209 is a dry, granular, activated car-
bon chemical medium, designed to be used in air
filter service for the removal of gaseous vapors.
TECHSORB TS-209 has been used extensively in
applications associated with mixed contaminants,
such as those found in the semiconductor industry.
It has been found effective for the control of con-
densable organics, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide,
hydrogen cyanide, sulfur dioxide and ammonia.