Multimeter Command Reference 81Chapter 3
CALibration:SECure:STATe OFF|ON, <code> unsecures or secures the
multimeter for calibration. The calibration code must be the code set by the
CAL:SEC:CODE command. The state is stored in non-volatile memory.
Comments • You can substitute decimal values for the OFF (“0”) and ON (“1”) parameters.
• The multimeter calibration is secured when shipped from the factory. The
security code is set to “
HP_E1412” (or “HP_E1312” for B-size).
• *RST does not change the state.
Example Set the Calibration State to Unsecured
Unsecure multimeter calibration.
CALibration:SECure:STATe? returns a “1” or “0” to show whether the calibration
security state is enabled (
1) or disabled (0). The number is sent to the output buffer.
Example Query the Calibration Security State
Query multimeter calibration security state.
enter statement
Enter value into computer.
CALibration:STRing <quoted string> allows you to record calibration information
about your multimeter while
CAL:SEC:STAT is OFF. For example, you can store
information such as the last calibration date and/or the next calibration due date. The
calibration message can contain up to 40 characters. Characters in excess of 40 are
truncated and no error is generated. The string is stored in non-volatile memory.
Comments • The calibration message can contain up to 40 characters.
• Calibration security state must be OFF to store a string.
• The calibration message is stored in non-volatile memory and does not change
when power has been off or after a remote interface reset.
Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values Default Units
OFF|ON boolean OFF | 0 | ON | 1 none
discrete up to 12 characters
Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values Default Units
<quoted string>
discrete alphanumeric none