172 HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Specifications Appendix A
DC Characteristics (continued)
Measuring Characteristics
DC Voltage
Measurement Method: Continuously integrating, multi-slope III A/D converter.
A/D Linearity: 0.0002% of reading + 0.0001% of range
Input Resistance: 0.1V, 1V, 10V ranges Selectable 10M
Ω or >10GΩ
100V, 300V ranges 10MΩ ± 1%
Input Bias Current: <30pA at 25
Input Terminals: Copper alloy
Input Protection: 300V on all ranges
Measurement Method: Selectable 4-wire or 2-wire ohms. Current source referenced to LO input.
Max. Lead Resistance: 10% of range per lead for 100
Ω and 1kΩ ranges. 1kΩ per lead on all other ranges.
(4-wire ohms)
Input Protection: 300V on all ranges
DC Current
Shunt Resistor: 0.1
Ω for 1A and 3A. 5Ω for 10mA and 100mA
Input Protection: Externally accessible 3.15A, 250V, Class H fuse (see note at the bottom of the
AC Measuring Characteristics page describing class H fuses)
DC:DC Ratio
Measurement Method: Input HI-LO/Reference HI-LO (Reference =
4W Sense terminals)
Input HI-LO 100mV to 300V ranges
Reference HI-LO 100mV to 10V ranges (autoranged)
Input to Reference Reference LO to Input LO voltage <2V
Reference HI to Input LO voltage <12V
Measurement Noise Rejection
DC CMRR: 140 dB [5]
Integration Time
Normal Mode Rejection [6]
60 Hz (50 Hz)
100 PLC, 1.67s (2s) 60dB [7]
10 PLC, 167ms (200ms) 60dB [7]
1 PLC, 16.7ms (20ms) 60dB [7]
<1 PLC 0dB
[1] Specifications are for 1-hour warm-up at an integration time of 100 PLCs.
[2] Relative to calibration standards.
[3] 20% overrange on all ranges, except 300Vdc and 3A range which have 1% overrange.
[4] Specifications are for 4-wire ohms function, or 2-wire ohms using Math Null.
Without Math Null, add 0.2
Ω additional error in 2-wire ohms function.