
HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Module Setup 15Chapter 1
Chapter 1
HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter
Module Setup
Using This Chapter
This chapter provides one page of general module information followed by
the tasks you must perform to set up your module and verify your
installation was successful. Chapter contents are:
Setting the Module Address Switch
Interrupt Priority
Setting and Checking the Line Frequency Reference
Input Terminals and Front Panel Indicators
Multimeter Functional Connections
Initial Operation
General Information The HP E1312A is not recommended for use in the HP E1300A or
HP E1301A B-size mainframe.
The HP E1312A (VXI B-size) and HP E1412A (VXI C-size)
Multimeters are VXIbus message-based slave devices.
Programming the multimeter can either be through a command module
using an HP-IB interface or an embedded controller. You use the
Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI; see
Chapter 3) with the Standard Instrument Control Language (SICL) or
VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture).
Maximum voltage is 300 V
or 300 V
Maximum current is 3A AC
or DC.
Resolution is from 4½-digits for fast measurements to 6½-digits for
more accuracy. Resolution is set by specifying the integration time in
number of power line cycles (NPLCs) or corresponding aperture time.
Table 1-1 shows the correlation between NPLCs and resolution.
Table 1-1. Resolution of Power Line Cycles
Power Line Cycles Resolution
0.02 0.0001 x Full-Scale
0.2 0.00001 x Full-Scale
1 0.000003 x Full-Scale
10 0.000001 x Full-Scale
100 0.0000003 x Full-Scale