HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Error Messages 187Appendix B
-160 to -168 Block data errors
The multimeter does not accept block data.
-170 to -178 Expression errors
The multimeter does not accept mathematical expressions.
-211 Trigger ignored
A Group Execute Trigger (GET) or
*TRG was received but the trigger was
ignored. Make sure the multimeter is in the “wait-for-trigger” state before
issuing a trigger, and make sure the correct trigger source is selected.
-213 Init ignored
INITiate command was received but could not be executed because a
measurement was already in progress. Send a device clear to halt a
measurement in progress and place the multimeter in the “idle” state.
-214 Trigger deadlock
A trigger deadlock occurs when the trigger source is
BUS and a READ?
command is received.
-221 Settings conflict
This error can be generated in one of the following situations:
You sent a
CONFigure or MEASure command with autorange enabled and
with a fixed resolution. Example:
You turned math on (CALC:STAT ON) and then changed to a math operation
that was not valid with the present measurement function. For example, dB
measurements are not allowed with 2-wire ohms. The math state is turned
off as a result of this condition.
-222 Data out of range
A numeric parameter value is outside the valid range for the command.
-223 Too much data
A character string was received but could not be executed because the string
length was more than 12 characters. This error can be generated by the
CALibration:STRing and DISPlay:TEXT commands.
-224 Illegal parameter value
A discrete parameter was received which was not a valid choice for the
command. You may have used an invalid parameter choice.
CALC:FUNC SCALE (SCALE is not a valid choice) or
SAMP:COUN ON (ON is not a valid choice).
-230 Data stale
FETCh? command was received but internal reading memory was empty.
The reading retrieved may be invalid or settings have changed since the data
was taken.