EnerVista PMCS 6.15 Quick Start Guide
On clicking [Viewer], Waveform Viewer application will be launched, which has waveform display,
harmonic display, phasors display, and playback features. Waveform files retrieved by Waveform
Server in COMTREADE format can be viewed in the Waveform Client.
Introduction to COMTRADE
EnerVista PMCS supports the C37.111-1991 and C37.111-1999 COMTRADE Standards. The Comtrade
Viewer feature within EnerVista PMCS provides a visual display of power systems data and relay
operation data captured during a specific triggered event. The triggering of waveforms is determined
by the settings made in the device. There are no default device settings for capturing waveforms,
each device MUST be configured with the triggers. Triggers and settings are determined by the device
This introduction will focus only on viewing retrieved waveforms. If there are no waveforms retrieved
then the device must be configured to generate one.
Viewing waveforms of COMTRADE Format
The Waveform Viewer feature within EnerVista PMCS provides a visual display of power systems data
and relay operation data captured during a specific triggered event. The viewer application can
display oscillography, phasors, harmonics and actual values retrieved from a COMTRADE file.
The following screen shows the options available for viewing and manipulating COMTRADE files.
• Under ‘AUTOMATED RETRIEVAL’ select “View”.
• A file selection box will appear. Select the waveform to be viewed. All retrieved
waveforms from all devices will be displayed. The file name is comprised of both the
device name and the timestamp of when the file was generated in the device.
• Once a waveform is selected the Comtrade Viewer will launch