
GNC 420(A) Pilot’s Guide and Reference
190-00140-20 Rev. K
Map Setup
Many of the GNC 420’s functions are menu driven.
Each of the main pages has an options menu, allowing
customization of the page to the pilot’s preferences and/or
selection of special features which specifically relate to that
page. A Map Page Menu (Figure 3-16) provides additional
settings to customize the Map Page and additional features
related specically to the Map Page.
Displaying the Map Page Menu:
Press the MENU Key with the Map Page
displayed (Figure 3-16).
Figure 3-16 Map Page Menu
The following options are available: ‘Setup Map?’,
‘Measure Dist?’, ‘Data Fields Off?’, ‘Change Fields?’, and
‘Restore Defaults?’.
‘Setup Map?’ allows conguration of the Map Display
to individual preferences, including map orientation,
land data enable/disable, Jeppesen data enable/disable,
automatic zoom, airspace boundaries, and text size.
NOTE: Large, medium, and small classifications
are used on the GNC 420 for airports and cities.
Large airports are those with a runway longer
than 8100 feet. Medium airports include those
with a runway longer than 5000 feet or with
a control tower. Large cities are those with
approximate populations greater than 200,000
and medium cities with greater than 50,000.
Table 3-4 lists the settings available for each group:
Group Available Settings
Map Orientation, AutoZoom, Land Data,
Aviation Data
Weather Lightning Mode/Symbol
(when applicable)
Traffic Traffic Mode/Symbol/Label
(when applicable)
Airport Large/Medium/Small Airports and
NAVAID VORs, NDBs, Intersections, and Text
Waypoint User Waypoints, Waypoint Text,
Flight Plan Wpts
Line Active Flight Plan, Lat/Long
Control Controlled Airspace: Class B, C, D
(tower zone)
Airspace Special-Use Airspace: Restricted,
MOA, Other
City Large/Medium/Small Cities and Text
Road Freeway, National Highway, Local
Hwy, Local Road
Other States/Prov, Rivers/Lakes, Railroads,
Wind Vector
Table 3-4
For most entries in Table 3-4, on, off, and range are the
available selections for display of each information type.