GNC 420(A) Pilot’s Guide and Reference
Section 2 introduced the GNC 420’s main page groups
(Table 7-1)—NAV, WPT, AUX, NRST—and described
each page in the NAV group. This second page group
(WPT) provides information for the thousands of airports,
VORs, NDBs, intersections, runways, frequencies, and
procedures stored on the Jeppesen NavData Card. A
WPT page is also provided to display information for up
to 1,000 user-created waypoints.
Page Groups
NAV Group WPT Group AUX Group NRST Group
see Section 3 10 WPT Pages see Section 9 see Section 8
Table 7-1 Page Groups
Figure 7-1 WPT Pages
Airport Location
Airport Runway
Airport F r equency
Airport Approach
Airport Arrival
Airport Departure
User W a ypoint
Quickly selecting a WPT page:
1) From any page, press and hold the CLR Key to
select the Default NAV Page (skip this step if
already viewing any of the main pages.)
2) Turn the large right knob to select the WPT
Page Group. ‘WPT’ appears in the lower right
corner of the screen.
3) Turn the small right knob to select the desired
WPT page.
NOTE: The GNC 420 uses ICAO identifiers for all
airports. All U.S. airport identifiers which contain
only letters use the prefix ‘K’. For example, Los
Angeles International is KLAX under the ICAO
standard. Other airports, such as Otten Memorial
(3VS), that contain numbers in the identifier, do
not require the ‘K’ prefix. Many foreign countries
use two letter prefixes.
The WPT Page Group includes ten pages (Figure
7-1). While viewing any WPT page, turn the small right
knob to select a different WPT page. The rst six pages
provide detailed information for the selected airport:
location, runways, frequencies, approaches, arrivals, and
departures. The last four pages provide information for
intersections, NDBs, VORs, and user-created waypoints.
After a WPT page is selected, information for a waypoint
may be viewed by entering the identier (or name) of the
desired waypoint. Airports, NDBs and VORs may be
selected by identier, facility name, or location (city).
190-00140-20 Rev. K