GNC 420(A) Pilot’s Guide and Reference
5) Press the ENT Key to place the selected
frequency in the standby field of the COM
(Figure 8-26).
Figure 8-26 Frequency Moved to Standby Field
6) Press the COM Flip-flop Key to activate the
selected frequency.
7) Press the small right knob to remove the
flashing cursor.
The last page in the NRST group, the Nearest Airspace
Page (Figure 8-29) alerts the pilot to as many as nine
controlled or special use airspaces near or in the ight
path. Alerts are provided according to the following
• If the projected course will take the aircraft inside
an airspace within the next ten minutes, the alert
message ‘Airspace ahead -- less than 10 minutes’
appears (Figure 8-27). The Nearest Airspace Page
shows the airspace as ‘Ahead’.
Figure 8-27 Airspace Messages
• If the aircraft is within two nautical miles of
an airspace and the current course will take
the aircraft inside, the message ‘Airspace near
and ahead’ appears (Figure 8-27). The Nearest
Airspace Page shows ‘Within 2nm of airspace’.
• If the aircraft is within two nautical miles of an
airspace and the current course will not take the
aircraft inside, the message ‘Near airspace less
than 2nm’ appears. The Nearest Airspace Page
shows the airspace as ‘Ahead < 2nm’.
190-00140-20 Rev. K