GNC 420(A) Pilot’s Guide and Reference
190-00140-20 Rev. K
Figure 11-11 Traffic Removed Banner
UNAVAIL - When a 60 second period elapses with
no data, TIS is considered to be unavailable. This
state is indicated by the text ‘UNAVAIL’ (Figure
11-12). The pilot should be aware that ‘UNAVAIL’
could indicate a TIS coverage limitation due to a
line-of-sight situation, a low altitude condition,
or a result of ying directly over the radar site
providing coverage (cone of silence).
Figure 11-12 ‘UNAVAIL’ Message
Traffic Warning Window
When the unit is on any page (other than the NAV
Trafc Page) and a trafc threat is imminent, the Traffic
Warning Window is displayed (Figure 11-13). The Trafc
Warning Window shows a small thumbnail map which
can take the user to the Trafc Page by pressing the ENT
Key, or go back to the previous page by pressing the CLR
Figure 11-13 Traffic Warning Window
NOTE: The Traffic Warning Window is disabled
when the aircraft ground speed is less than 30
knots or when an approach is active.
Non-Bearing Traffic Advisory (TA) Banner
Traffic is only displayed graphically if aircraft heading
data is available. When heading is not available, Trafc
Advisories are displayed as non-bearing banners. The
banner shown in Figure 11-14 consists of (left to right):
Figure 11-14 Non-Bearing TA Banner
• The ‘TA’ annunciation.
• The distance in miles ‘1.5’, from the client
aircraft’s present position to the intruder aircraft.
• A ‘+’ or ‘-’ symbol indicating whether the intruder
aircraft is above (+) or below (-) the client aircraft.
• The difference in altitude ‘04’ (shown in hundreds
of feet) between the intruder aircraft and the client
• An up or down arrow indicating that the intruder
aircraft is climbing or descending at a rate greater
than 500 fpm.