38 www.emersonct.com SM-EZMotion Module User Guide
Units Name
This is a 10-character name for the distance user units you
want to use in your application
Decimal Places
The number of decimal places set in this parameter
determines the number of digits after the decimal point
used in all distance and position parameters throughout
the software. Using a high number of decimal places will
improve position resolution, but will also limit the range of
absolute position. You can select from zero to six decimal
places of accuracy.
A Characteristic Distance and Length must be established
to allow the module to scale user units back to actual motor
revolutions. This scaling factor is as follows:
Scaling - Characteristic Distance
This is the distance the load travels (in user units) when the
motor travels the characteristic length (in motor
Scaling - Characteristic Length
This is the distance the motor travels (in whole number of
revolutions) to achieve one characteristic distance of load
Time Scale List Box
The time can be one of two values: seconds or minutes.
This selection sets the real-time velocity time scale.
Time Scale List Box
From this list box, select the acceleration time scale to be
used for all real-time profiles. The time scale selected will
be used for both acceleration and deceleration
parameters. You can select from milliseconds or seconds.
7.3.3 Master Units Setup View
The Master Units Setup view is used to configure the
parameters for the master axis used in synchronized
motion applications. The master axis is most often a
second encoder, or possibly another upstream drive.
Figure 67 shows an example of the Master Setup view.
Select from Drive, Slot 1, Slot 2 or Slot 3. If Drive is
selected, then that means that the motor feedback must be
routed to one of the option module slots.
Figure 67: Master Setup View
Master Position Source
Master Feedback Source indicates the hardware location
of the master encoder input.
Define Home Position
Define Home Position is the value that the Master Position
Feedback will be set to when the MasterAxis.DefineHome
destination is activated. After the MasterAxis.DefineHome
has been activated, the MasterAxis.AbsolutePosnValid
source will activate.
Rotary Rollover Check Box
If checked, the rotary rollover feature for the Master Axis
will be enabled.
Rotary Rollover
If enabled, the Master Position will rollover to zero at the
value specified here. As the master encoder counts up, the
master position feedback will increase until it reaches the
Rotary Rollover value and then reset to zero and continue
to count up. If rotating in the negative direction, the master
position feedback will decrease until it reaches zero, and
then start over at the Rotary Rollover value.
Master Distance Units
The parameters in this group are used to establish the
scaling of the master axis into user units.
Units Name
This is a text string up to 12 characters that will be used to
define the units of distance traveled by the master axis for
incoming synchronization signals.
Decimal Places
The number of decimal places set in this parameter
determines the number of digits after the decimal point
used in all distance and position parameters used in
Characteristic Distance
Characteristic Length