
Drive Parameters Used by SM-EZMotion Module www.emersonct.com 111
12 Drive
Parameters Used
by SM-EZMotion
12.1 Description
The Unidrive SP is configured using a database of
parameters. The parameters are grouped according to
functionality. Each function group is given a Menu#. Each
parameter in the drive is accessed using a Menu Number
and Parameter Number in the following format:
Menu Number.Parameter Number (or MM.PP)
An example of this is Menu Number 5, Parameter Number
7 is accessed using 5.07.
In order to configure the drive to operate as desired, the
MM.PP parameters must be set to a specific value. To
make configuration of the base drive parameters behind
the scenes.
Since some advanced users may wish to utilize various
drive parameters, it is important to know which parameters
are being used by the SM-EZMotion module. and how they
are being used, The chart in 12.2 details the drive
parameters used by the SM-EZMotion module.
12.2 Chart
The parameters outlined in bold are used in some way by
the SM-EZMotion module. Each parameter outlined in bold
has a note associated with it to further describe how the
SM-EZMotion module uses that particular parameter. The
chart is followed by a detailed description of each of the