90 www.emersonct.com SM-EZMotion Module User Guide
FeedRate Override feature. When FeedRate Deactivate is
enabled, FeedRate Override will be disabled and all index
or home motion will operate at its programmed velocity.
When FeedRate Deactivate is disabled, FeedRate
Override will be enabled, and index and home motion is
subject to scaling by the FeedRate Override parameter.
The default value for FeedRate Override is 100%, so even
when FeedRate Override is enabled, default motion will
run at programmed velocity.
FeedRate Override
This parameter is used to scale all motion. It can be
described as “scaling in real time.” The default setting of
100% will allow all motion to occur in real time. A setting of
50% will scale time so that all motion runs half as fast as it
runs in real time. A setting of 200% will scale time so that
all motion runs twice as fast as it would in real time.
FeedRate Override is always active, and this parameter
may be modified via Modbus or in a program. When
changed, the new value takes effect immediately.
Following Error
Following Error displays the difference between the
Position Command and the Position Feedback.
Enable Following Error
This parameter can be setup from the Position view or from
a program. When enabled, a following error fault will be
generated if the absolute value of the Following Error
exceeds the Following Error Limit.
Following Error Limit
This parameter is used when the FollowingErrorEnable bit
is set. This limit is compared to the absolute value of the
FollowingError. If the FollowingError is greater than the
FollowingErrorLimit, a following error fault will be
Gear Accel
This parameter sets the acceleration of the realtime
gearing ramp. Gear.Accel units are in Follower Units/
Velocity Time Base/Acceleration Time Base. The
Gear.Accel functions only when the follower is ramping its
speed up to meet the Masters at the specified Gear.Ratio.
Gear Accel Enable
Gear.AccelEnable is a Destination that when it is "on"
allows a gear to run a specified accel ramp after the
gearing command is turned on.
Gear Accelerating
If Gear.AccelEnable is activated, this source is activated
during the time between Gear.Initate = On and Gear.AtVel
= On.
Gear Activate
The Gear.Activate destination is used to start gearing from
an assignment. It is a level-sensitive function, which means
that as long as Gear.Activate is active, gearing will be in
progress. When deactivated, gearing motion will come to a
stop without deceleration. This function is only available
through the assignments screen. When gearing from a
program, the Gear.Initiate instruction is used.
Gear at Velocity
The Gear.AtVel source indicates that the motor is running
at the programmed gear ratio. In early releases of Gearing,
acceleration and deceleration will not be used with gearing,
so this source will always be active when gearing is active.
Gear Command Complete
This source will activate when gearing has been stopped,
and will remain active until the gear is initiated again.
Gearing does not use a deceleration ramp, so this source
will activate immediately after a Gear.Activate destination
is deactivated.
Gear Command In Progress
This source will activate when Gearing is initiated either
from a program or through an assignment. The source will
remain active as long as gearing is in operation. This
source can be active even if the motor is not in motion as
long as gearing is active.
Gear Decel
This parameter sets the deceleration of the realtime
gearing ramp. Gear.Decel units are in Follower Units/
Velocity Time Base/Acceleration Time Base. The