Parameter Descriptions www.emersonct.com 103
the Unidrive SP slots.
The X in “SlotX” defines the slot number that the
SM-Universal Encoder Plus option module has been fitted
in. For example, if the Universal Encoder Plus module is in
slot 2, the parameter would be named:
The SM-Universal Encoder Plus is capable of sending out
a simulated encoder signal. To configure the simulated
encoder signal, the user specifies a source parameter and
a ratio multiplier. The multiplier allows the user to scale the
source parameter before it is sent out the “Encoder Out”
port. The multiplier is made up of a numerator parameter
and a denominator parameter. The formula for the value
sent out the encoder output is as follows:
Output = Enc. Sim. Source * (Enc. Sim. Numerator / Enc.
Sim. Denominator)
The range for the source parameter is 00.00 to 21.51. This
parameter is found on the SlotX view after a SM-Universal
Encoder Plus module has been selected for the Module
Type. For more information on this parameter, please refer
to the SM-Universal Encoder Plus User Guide (parameter
SlotX Encoder Supply Voltage
This parameter is only available when an SM-Universal
Encoder Plus option module has been populated in one of
the Unidrive SP slots.
The X in “SlotX” defines the slot number that the
SM-Universal Encoder Plus module has been fitted in. For
example, if the Universal Encoder Plus module is in slot 2,
the parameter would be named:
The Unidrive SP supports multiple voltage levels for
external encoders. Select from 5V, 8V, or 15V.
This parameter is found on the SlotX view after a
SM-Universal Encoder Plus module has been selected for
the Module Type. This parameter is read-only from within
a user program. For more information on this parameter,
please refer to the SM-Universal Encoder Plus user guide
(parameter x.13).
SlotX Encoder Type
This parameter is only available when an SM-Universal
Encoder Plus option module has been populated in one of
the Unidrive SP slots.
The X in “SlotX” defines the slot number that the
SM-Universal Encoder Plus module has been fitted in. For
example, if the Universal Encoder Plus module is in slot 2,
the parameter would be named Slot2.EncoderType.
The SM-EZMotion module only supports use of
Quadrature Incremental Encoders in early releases (even
though the Unidrive SP is capable of handling other
encoder types).
This parameter is found on the SlotX view after a
SM-Universal Encoder Plus module has been selected for
the Module Type. This parameter is read-only from within
a user program. For more information on this parameter,
please refer to the SM-Universal Encoder Plus User Guide
(parameter x.15).
SlotX Input Status
This parameter is only available when an SM-I/O Plus
Option module has been populated in one of the Unidrive
SP slots.
The X in “SlotX” defines the slot number that the SM-I/O
Plus module has been fitted in. For example, if the I/O Plus
module is in slot 2, the parameter would be named
The last three digital I/O points on the SM-I/O Plus module
are defined as digital inputs only (pins 6, 7, and 8). The “.In”
at the end of the parameter is optional, so this signal is
most often referred to simply as SlotX.Input.#. These
inputs can be used in a user program, or on the
Assignments view to activate different destination events.
These inputs are updated at the Trajectory Update Rate
found on the Setup view in PowerTools Pro EZ.
SlotX Input Name
This parameter is only available when an SM-I/O Plus
Option module has been populated in one of the Unidrive
SP slots.
The X in “SlotX” defines the slot number that the SM-I/O
Plus module has been fitted in. For example, if the I/O Plus
module is in slot 2, the parameter would be named
Each digital input on the SM-I/O Plus module can be given
a name. The name can be used in a user program to
reference a specific input. The name can be up to 12
alphanumeric characters, but must begin with a
non-numeric character.
SlotX IO Direction
This parameter is only available when an SM-I/O Plus
Option module has been populated in one of the Unidrive
SP slots.
The X in “SlotX” defines the slot number that the SM-I/O
Plus module has been fitted in. For example, if the I/O Plus
module is in slot 2, the parameter would be named
The first three digital I/O points on the SM-I/O Plus module