UM1M820BNA User Instructions
Issue AH, March 4, 2013 Spec No. 1M820BNA (Model M820B)
Spec No. 1M820DNA (Model M820D)
22 Chapter 2. Operation
This document is property of Emerson Network Power, Energy Systems, North America, Inc. and contains confidential and proprietary information owned by Emerson Network Power, Energy
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2.5 Common Tasks Performed via the Local Keypad and/or Web Interface
Refer also to “Chapter 3. Local Display Menus” and “Chapter 4. WEB Interface Menus”.
2.5.1 Backing Up the Configuration
A file named “SettingParam.run” is automatically created/appended by the Controller whenever a User
makes changes to any parameter settings via the LCD or WEB interface. This file can be saved to your
computer so you can restore any custom settings you may have made.
Prior to changing settings, ensure the current “SettingParam.run” file is backed up. After making changes,
create a new backup file. Note that you may change the name of a “SettingParam.run” file to differentiate
it from other files saved. The new name can use alpha and numeric characters preceding the original
“SettingParam.run” name (the end of the new file name must always be “SettingParam.run”; for example,
an acceptable filename would be “seville4SettingParam.run”).
Local Menu Navigation: none.
WEB Menu Navigation: See also “4.7.9. Retrieve ‘SettingParam.run’ File Sub-Menu”.
1) Log onto the Controller using the WEB Interface.
2) Click on “Retrieve SettingParam.run” in the MAINTENANCE MENU.
3) Click on the “Retrieve File” button to save the file named "SettingParam.run" to you hard drive.
Note: Ensure Internet Explorer security settings are set to enable a file to be downloaded.
4) Select where you want the file to be copied to on your computer.
2.5.2 Reloading a Backed-Up Configuration
Reload the ACU+ configuration by restoring the “SettingParam.run” file previously saved. Refer to “2.5.1
Backing Up the Configuration” for a procedure to save the “SettingParam.run” file.
Local Menu Navigation: none.
WEB Menu Navigation: See also “4.7.8 Download Sub-Menu”.
1) Log onto the Controller using the WEB Interface.
2) Click on “Download” in the MAINTENANCE MENU.
3) The "Stop Controller" window opens. Click on the “Stop Controller” button.
4) A Download window opens.
Warning: Never navigate from this web page without first clicking on "Start Controller". If
you do, you will not have web access. A manual system reset is required to
restore web access.
5) Click the “Browse….” button and navigate to the folder where the file is located. Select the file and
then click the “Download” button. Click “Start Controller” to restart the Controller with the
downloaded file installed.
2.5.3 Reloading the Configuration File Stored in the ACU+ Controller
Note: When this procedure is performed, the “SettingParam.run” file (see 2.5.1) is deleted.
Local Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / Controller / Reload Config.
The only selection for "Reload Config" is Yes. Once Yes is selected and confirmed, the configuration file
stored in the ACU+ Controller is reloaded into memory. All settings WILL BE restored to the factory
defaults of the configuration file.
WEB Menu Navigation: Maintenance / Restore Factory Defaults / select “Restore Defaults”.