User Instructions UM1M820BNA
Spec No. 1M820BNA (Model M820B) Issue AH, March 4, 2013
Spec No. 1M820DNA (Model M820D)
Chapter 3. Local Display Menus 105
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SMTemp # Menu
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / SMTemp / SMTemp #
Note: For WEB Interface; menu items are found under Device Information / SM Temp Group / SM
Temp # / Setting Tab.
"SMTemp #" Parameter Settings:
T# Assign Equip: Sets temperature port # on the SM-Temp # module to None, Battery, or
Note: You can set High2, High1, and Low temperature alarms for each temperature sensor
(from the Web Interface). Note that you cannot set high and low temperature alarms for
individual temperature sensors from the Local Menus. High and low temperature alarm
settings for the temperature sensors set as ambient are found in the Device Information
/ Power System / Settings tab. High and low temperature alarm settings for the probes
set as battery are found in the Device Information / Battery Group / Settings tab.
Communication Menu
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / Communication
Note: For WEB Interface; menu items are found under Maintenance / Network Configuration.
"Communication" Parameter Settings:
DHCP: The DHCP function allows the Controller to acquire an IP address automatically.
This function can only be enabled or disabled via the local LCD display and keypad. If this
function is enabled and the acquisition of an IP address fails, an alarm is generated. If the
acquisition of an IP address is successful, you need to record the IP address automatically
acquired by the Controller to access the Controller via the Web Interface.
IP Address: Sets the Controller's IP address.
Enter the address in the format nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where 0 ≤ nnn ≤ 255.
The address must be a valid address and must not be
Subnet Mask: Sets the Controller's network netmask.
Enter the address in the format nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where 0 ≤ nnn ≤ 255.
Default Gateway: Sets the Controller's gateway address.
Enter the address in the format nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where 0 ≤ nnn ≤ 255.
This is the address of the gateway of the network on which the Controller resides.
The address must be a valid address and must not be
Controller Menu
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / Controller
Note: For WEB Interface; menu items are found under the Maintenance and Configuration menus.
"Controller" Parameter Settings:
Language: Select the language the menus are displayed in.
Date: Sets the date.
Time: Sets the time.
Keypad Voice: Sets the keypad sound on or off.
Reload Config: Reloads the configuration that resides in memory (restores factory