Appendix A: Serial Command Line Interface (CLI)
10007175-02 KAT4000 User’s Manual
[<portlist>]: Port list (Default: All ports).
[enable|disable]: Enable/disable VLAN awareness (Default: Show awareness).
VLAN PVID: Syntax:
VLAN PVID [<portlist>] [<vid>|none]
Description: Set or show the port VLAN ID. Untagged frames received on the port will be
classified to this VLAN ID. Frames classified to this VLAN ID will be sent untagged on the
[<portlist>]: Port list (Default: All ports).
[<vid>|none]: Port VLAN ID, 1-4095 (Default: Show PVID).
The ’none’ option can be used for trunk links.
VLAN Frame Type: Syntax:
VLAN Frame Type [<portlist>] [all|tagged]
Description: Set or show the accepted frame type for the port.
[<portlist>]: Port list (Default: All ports).
[all|tagged]: Accept all or only tagged (Default: Show frame type).
Aggregation/Trunking Commands
Aggregation Configuration:
Aggr Configuration
Description: Shows the aggregation groups and the aggregation mode.
Aggregation Add: Syntax:
Aggr Add <portlist>
Description: Add link aggregation group including ports.
<portlist>: Aggregation port list.
Aggregation Delete: Syntax:
Aggr Delete <portlist>
Description: Delete link aggregation group.
<portlist>: Port list. Aggregations including any of the ports will be deleted.
Aggregation Lookup: Syntax:
Aggr Lookup <portlist>