
10007175-02 KAT4000 User’s Manual
Section 9
System Management
The KAT4000 provides an intelligent hardware management system, as defined in the
Base Specification (PICMG
3.0; AMC.0). This system implements an Intel-
ligent Platform Management Controller (IPMC) based on the proprietary BMR-H8S-ATCA®
reference design from Pigeon Point Systems.
The KAT4000 IPMC implements all the standard Intelligent Platform Management Interface
(IPMI) commands and provides hardware interfaces for other system management fea-
tures such as Hot Swap control, LED control, power control, and temperature and voltage
monitoring. The IPMC also supports an EIA-232 interface for serial communications via the
Serial Interface Protocol Lite (SIPL) IPMI commands.
The basic features of the KAT4000 IPMC include:
Conformance to ATCA Base Specification (PICMG 3.0)
Geographical addressing according to PICMG 3.0
Ability to read and write Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) data on each capable AMC site
Ability to reset IPMC from IPMB-0
Ability to read an inlet and outlet temperature sensor
Ability to read payload voltage/current levels
Ability to send event messages to a specified receiver
All sensors generate assertion and/or de-assertion event messages
Support for fault tolerant field upgrades
Support for field updates of firmware via the payload processor interface
Hardware added to accommodate console redirection over IPMB