System Management: Firmware Upgrade
10007175-02 KAT4000 User’s Manual
The IPMC firmware upgrade is performed using a set of special upgrade request and reply
messages that are delivered to and from the IPMC in the same way as standard IPMI com-
mands (for more information, refer to Intelligent Platform Management Bus Communication
Protocol specification). These upgrade commands are collectively referred to as the
Upgrade protocol in this specification.
All upgrade commands have the net function codes 08h/09h that are reserved by the IPMI
specification for firmware upgrade commands. Each upgrade request is protected with a
checksum that helps to validate the upgrade requests in case they are delivered to the
IPMC over a serial interface. A request is considered to be valid if the sum of all of the net-
work function code/LUN byte, the command code byte, and the request body bytes is 0
modulo 256. If the checksum validation fails, the Boot Loader sends a reply with the 0xCC
(Invalid Data In Request). The request sender is expected to resend the upgrade request in
this case. The upgrade replies are not protected with checksums.
Tab le 9- 43 provides a sum-
mary of the firmware upgrade commands supported by the Boot Loader.
Table 9-43: Firmware Upgrade Command Summary
The following sections detail the format of the firmware upgrade requests and replies.
Firmware Upgrade Status Command
The Firmware Upgrade Status command queries the Boot Loader or the IPMC firmware
about the firmware upgrade status. This command is supported by both the IPMC firmware
and the Boot Loader, which return the current firmware upgrade status and cause in the
Firmware Upgrade Status reply.
Table 9-44: Firmware Upgrade Status Command
Command: netFn: LUN: Cmd:
Firmware Upgrade Status Firmware 08, 09 00 00
Firmware Upgrade Start Firmware 08, 09 00 01
Firmware Upgrade Prepare Firmware 08, 09 00 02
Firmware Upgrade Write Firmware 08, 09 00 03
Firmware Upgrade Complete Firmware 08, 09 00 04
Firmware Upgrade Restore Backup Firmware 08, 09 00 05
Firmware Upgrade Backup Revision Firmware 08, 09 00 06
Type: Byte: Data Field:
Request Data 1 Checksum