
CPLD: Boot and Reset Registers
10007175-02 KAT4000 User’s Manual
DER: Debug Ethernet Reset
1 Reset
0No reset (default)
BCR: Base Channel Ethernet Reset
1 Reset
0No reset (default)
NFR: NAND Flash Reset
1 Reset
0No reset (default)
R: Reserved
Boot Device Redirection Register (BDRR)
The read-only Boot Device Redirection register indicates which of the three devices the CPU
is using as the boot device. The BDRR also indicates which device was set as the initial boot
device (see
Fig.7-1). The Boot Redirected Bit, BRB[7], is set (1) when the current boot device
does not match the initial default boot device. This indicates that the image in the default
device was defective, the watchdog timer expired, and the next device was tried. The boot
redirect circuitry is enabled or disabled by Register Map 7-4. Default register values are
dependent on boot settings.