
8. Click OK.
Assigning NAS Volumes to a Volume Administrator
By default, new volume administrators can manage all NAS volumes. After a volume administrator is
created, you can change the NAS volumes that can be managed by the volume administrator.
1. Click the System tab on the left.
2. Click the Mail & Admins tab on the top.
3. In the Administrator Users pane, click in the row of the administrator you want to modify.
4. Click Modify.
The Modify Administrator User dialog box appears.
5. In the Email address, enter the e-mail address for the selected administrator user.
6. Under Choose the NAS administration level, select NAS volume administrator.
7. Click the button.
The NAS Volume Browser dialog box appears.
a) Select the NAS Volumes to assign to the volume administrator.
b) Click OK.
The NAS Volume Browser dialog closes.
c) Click Add. The volume is added to the administrator’s volume list.
d) Repeat steps (a) to (c) for each volume you want to add.
8. Click OK.
Changing an Administrator’s Permission Level
Change the permission level of an administrator account.
1. Click the System tab on the left.
2. Click the Mail & Admins tab on the top.
3. In the Administrator Users pane, click in the row of the administrator you want to modify.
4. Click Modify.
The Modify Administrator User dialog box appears.
5. Select the permission level of the administrator:
NAS Cluster Administrator: The administrator can manage any aspect of the FluidFS cluster.
NAS Volume Administrator: The administrator can only view the FluidFS cluster configuration
and manage the NAS volume(s) to which they are assigned.
6. Click OK.
Changing an Administrator’s Email Address
Change the permission level of an administrator account.
1. Click the System tab on the left.
2. Click the Mail & Admins tab on the top.
3. In the Administrator Users pane, click in the row of the administrator you want to modify.
4. Click Modify.
The Modify Administrator User dialog box appears.