systems is down or unreachable, the partnership is deleted only on the system that is running. Once the
other system comes back up, the partnership must be deleted on that system too.
1. Click the System tab on the left.
2. Click the Data Protection tab on the top.
3. In the Cluster Partnerships pane, click the row of the partnership you want to delete.
4. Click Delete.
The Delete dialog box appears.
5. Click OK.
Replicating NAS Volumes
You can perform manual and scheduled replication operations, and pause, resume, delete, and monitor
Adding Replication for a NAS Volume
Adding a replication creates a replication relationship between a source NAS volume and a target NAS
volume. After adding a replication, you can set up a replication policy to run according to a set schedule
or on demand.
NOTE: Create a target NAS volume on the target FluidFS cluster that is the same size or larger than
the source NAS volume.
1. Click the NAS Volumes tab on the left.
2. Click the All NAS Volumes tab on the top.
3. In the All NAS Volumes pane, click in the row of the volume you want to replicate.
4. Click View Details.
5. Click the Replication tab on the top.
6. In the Replication Partnership pane, click .
7. Click Connect.
The Connect to Partner of Replication dialog box appears.
8. In the Destination cluster drop down, select a FluidFS cluster.
9. Click the […] button to the right of the Destination NAS volume field.
The NAS volume browser opens.
10. Select the destination volume and click OK.
11. In the Connect to Partner of Replication dialog, click OK.
A warning stating that ALL changes on the destination NAS volume will be lost is displayed.
12. Click the Ignore the above warning check box, then click OK.
The replication partnership is displayed in the Replication Partnership pane.
Deleting Replication for a NAS Volume
Deleting replication for a NAS volume is similar to disabling replication for a NAS volume in that it does
not disrupt replication operations for other NAS volumes or the replication partnership between the
source and target FluidFS clusters. After deleting replication, the target NAS volume becomes a
standalone, writable NAS volume. You can delete replication from either the source or target FluidFS