Workaround The administrator must check the file system status of source system, using the
monitoring section in the NAS Manager, to understand why the file system is not
Replication Source Volume Is Busy Reclaiming Space
Description Replication between the NAS source volume and the NAS destination volume fails
because the source NAS volume is busy reclaiming space.
Cause Replication task failed since the source NAS volume is busy reclaiming space.
Workaround The replication continues automatically when space is available. Administrators must
verify that the replication automatically continues after a period of time (an hour).
Troubleshooting System Issues
Troubleshooting System Shutdown
Description During a system shutdown using the NAS Manager, the system does not stop and the
controllers do not shutdown after 20 minutes.
Cause The system shutdown procedure is comprised of two separate processes:
• Stopping the file system
• Powering down the NAS cluster solution controllers
The file system may take a long time to clean the cache to the storage either due to
lot of data, or due to an intermittent connection to the storage.
During the powering down stage, the issue can be due to the OS kernel hanging on
the controller or failing to sync its state to the local drive.
Workaround If the file system has stopped and if one of the controllers are still up, you can
physically power down the controller using the power button.
If file system has not stopped, you must let it continue working. The file system
reaches a 10 minute timeout, flushes its cache to the local controllers, and continues
the shutdown process.
NAS Container Security Violation
Description NAS container security violation.
Cause Selecting security style for a NAS container dictates the dominant protocol to be used
to set permissions on files in this volume. NFS for UNIX security style volumes and
CIFS for NTFS security style volumes.
Consequently, this makes some operations invalid:
• Setting UNIX permissions for a file in an NTFS Security style container.
• Setting UID/GID ownership for a file in an NTFS Security style container.
• Setting ACL for a file in a UNIX Security style container.
• Changing read-only flag for a file in a UNIX Security style container.
• Setting SID/GSID ownership for a file on UNIX Security style container.
The NAS container security style must reflect the main protocol used to access its
Workaround If a user frequently needs to perform a cross-protocol security related activity, split
the data into separate NAS containers based on the main access protocol.