Troubleshooting Networking Issues
Name Server Unresponsive
Description All NIS, LDAP, or DNS servers are unreachable or not responding.
Workaround For each server:
1. Ping the server from a client on NAS cluster solution subnet and verify it
2. Issue a request to the server from a client on the NAS cluster solution subnet and
verify it responds.
3. Check server logs to understand the cause the server fails to respond to requests.
Specific Subnet Clients Cannot Access The NAS Cluster Solution
Description Users (new or old), accessing from specific network(s) or cannot access the NAS
cluster solution.
Cause This issue is due to a conflict between the users' subnet addresses and the NAS
system internal network's address. The NAS system routes the response packets to the
incorrect network.
1. Check the internal network addresses of the NAS system and verify if there is a
conflict with the problematic client network addresses.
2. If a conflict exists, manually change the conflicting NAS internal network address
using either the NAS Manager or CLI.
Troubleshooting DNS Configurations
Description Unable to connect to the NAS cluster solution using the system name and/or unable
to resolve host names.
Cause Probable causes may be:
• Unable to ping system using Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
• Unable to connect to the NAS Manager using system name.
1. Verify that the client IP information is set correctly.
2. Verify that the NAS cluster solution controller is configured to the correct DNS
3. Contact DNS server administrator to verify the DNS record creation.
Determining The IQN Of The NAS Cluster Solution Controllers Using CLI
Determining the IQN of the NAS cluster solution controllers using CLI.
Workaround Using an ssh client and the NAS Management VIP, log in to the NAS cluster solution
CLI as an admin.
From the command line, type the following command:
system maintenance luns iscsi-configuration view