
Cypress CY3640 USB Starter Kit
User’s Guide
Cypress Semiconductor Ver 0.993
Page 52
Memphis (Windows98 Beta X) is still a beta program
Because Memphis is still changing as it moves through its prerelease phase, releases
subsequent to Beta 1 may not work well with the current product. If this occurs, Cypress will
post new information, assembly code, drivers, or Windows applications (as appropriate).
Windows may ask for a USB device driver even if you have previously loaded it
If you attach a USB device to a USB
port to which you have not previously attached the
device, Windows may ask for the USB device driver.
This can be confusing if you have already attached the device to the other
port in the
same system and loaded the driver. However, this is normal Windows behavior.
Simply “Browse” to the Windows/System directory where the device driver is located and
Windows will find it and not ask you again.
Hot Unplug problem with Windows98 (Memphis) Beta 2
If your system is running Memphis Beta 2, a hot unplug of the thermometer device will cause
the operating system to crash (“blue screen”). Cypress is currently working on a solution to
this problem. You can work around this problem by performing a Refresh in the Device
Manager (under the Control Panel/System icon) prior to hot unplug. This will effectively
unload the USB thermometer driver (please see next bullet).
Device Manager Refresh unloads USB thermometer driver
If you press the Refresh button on the Device Manager screen, the USB thermometer driver
will unload (if it was loaded) or reload (if it was not loaded). Cypress is currently working on a
solution to this problem. To work around this problem, do not refresh the Device Manager. If
you must refresh the Device Manager, a second refresh will reload the thermometer driver.
A cold system boot will not automatically load the USB thermometer driver
If the system is rebooted, the USB thermometer driver will not automatically reload (even if
the thermometer device is plugged into the USB). Cypress is currently working on a solution
to this problem. There are two possible work-arounds. Once the system is up and running,
1) Press the Refresh button under the Device Manager (please see previous bullet).
2) Hot unplug/replug the USB thermometer device. The driver will automatically reload.