Cypress CY3640 USB Starter Kit
User’s Guide
Cypress Semiconductor Ver 0.993
Page 13
F. Changing the functionality of the Cypress CY3640 USB
Starter Kit
The CY3640 USB Starter Kit is designed to allow you to add or change its functionality in a
variety of ways in order to meet your needs.
You may easily:
Add logic to the board itself
Change the functionality of the on-board LEDs and the switch
Change the program stored inside the Cypress USB Controller
Use an external power source
Take signals off of or bring signals onto the board
Changing the program in your device
You can write your own code for your Cypress USB Controller.
The easiest way is to use the code provided as a base and change only those parts which are
specific to your product.
The routines you will need to focus your changes on are in the file “USB.ASM”. They are
1024usec IRQ handling
Vendor Specific Setup Commands
Assembling the code for your device
You can assemble your code for the Cypress USB Controller with CYASM, Cypress’ assembler.
See the Cypress CYASM documentation. Both CYASM and its documentation are included in the
USB Starter Kit CD-ROM.
Programming your device
After you have written and assembled your own USB controller firmware code, you can program
a new USB controller using the device programmer contained in the Cypress USB Starter Kit.
Please note that the device programmer only supports Cypress CY7C63X0X family of low-speed
USB controllers, namely, CY7C63000, CY7C63001, CY7C63100, CY7C63101, CY7C63200 and
CY7C63201. Its components include:
a device programmer with a 32-pin DIP adapter
a floppy disk with the programming software
a 9-pin serial cable
a wall power adapter
To program a new USB controller simply follow these steps: