
Cypress CY3640 USB Starter Kit
User’s Guide
Cypress Semiconductor Ver 0.993
Page 51
Figure K2 Windows System Properties
You can determine whether the USB supplement has been installed by using the
“Add/Remove Programs” application, which is also found on the control panel. If the USB
supplement is successfully installed, you should be able to find it in the list of software that
can be added or deleted from the “Install/Uninstall” option within the “Add/Remove Programs”
Problem with system stability when a crystal is used with the Cypress CY7C63X0X
family of USB controllers.
For system stability considerations, we highly recommend the use of ceramic resonator
instead of crystal for the Cypress CY7C63X0X USB controllers. Crystals do not satisfy the
startup and suspend/resume stability requirements of the CY7C63X0X USB controllers.
Windows Version