Chapter 5 Using Load Manager 81
To create a load evaluator
1. In the in the left-hand pane of the Presentation Server console, select
Load Evaluators.
2. In the right pane, right-click Advanced and choose Duplicate Load Evaluator.
3. In Duplicate Load Evaluator, for Name type Demo Evaluator.
4. In Available Rules, choose Application User Load, and click Add.
5. For report load, replace 100 with 1.
6. For Application, choose Notepad1.
7. In Assigned Rules, choose CPU Utilization.
8. For report load, replace 90 with 70.
9. In Assigned Rules, choose Memory Usage.
10. For report load, replace 90 with 60.
11. In Assigned Rules, choose Page Swaps and click Remove.
12. Click OK.
To assign a load evaluator to an application
1. In the in the left pane, expand Applications, right-click Notepad1, and choose
Load Manage Application.
2. In Load Manage Application:
• Click Add All.
• Under Available Load Evaluators, click Demo Evaluator, click Apply,
then click OK.